Aug 23, 20

Hundreds of Portlanders Push Out Violent Far-Right, Qanon & Proud Boy Rally

Report from PopMob in Portland on Saturday’s recent mass defense of the city against a violent far-Right rally. This Monday will mark... Read Full Article

Feb 14, 22

Police Continue Harassment and Repression as Tent Protest Enters Week Four in Boise, Idaho

Report on continuing police harassment and repression of ongoing tent protests in Boise, Idaho. Today marks 4 weeks of ongoing protest across... Read Full Article

Feb 12, 22

In Defense of Anarchist Memory: One-Hundred Years Since the Death of Ricardo Flores Magón

Statement from anarchists in so-called Mexico calling for a year of activity to defend and continue the anarchist memory of Ricardo Flores... Read Full Article

Aug 19, 20

This Week in Fascism #70: Far-Right Opens Fire in the PNW; Militia Attempts to Intimidate a Witness

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got the Proud Boys showing up in Michigan, neo-fascist crew Portland’s Liberation macing protesters and firing... Read Full Article