Oct 21, 19

Austerity on Fire: A Global Guide To Where It’s Going Down

We are witnessing a new round of insurrections kick off across the globe. While each of the revolts that we will briefly... Read Full Article

Oct 25, 21

We Have the Matches: On the Resurgence of Housing Struggle in the Netherlands

In recent months a new Netherlands housing movement has formed from a mixture of grassroots renters’ rights, socialist and anarchist organizations and squatting activists. What is its future?

Oct 22, 21

Paul O’Banion on the Changing Terrain of the far-Right, Antifascism, and Community Self-Defense

photo: Berkeley Antifa Long-time anarchist and antifascist organizer Paul O’Banion joins It’s Going Down to discuss how the struggle against the far-Right... Read Full Article

Oct 17, 19

IWW Burgerville Workers Set to Launch Strike This Saturday

Fast food workers at Burgerville and members of the revolutionary anti-capitalist union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) say that if... Read Full Article