Jun 15, 22

This Week in Fascism #130: Neo-Nazis, Proud Boys and Groypers Heed Call from GOP to Attack LGBTQ Community

Welcome fellow antifascists! This week, public hearings have started to take place on the attempted pro-Trump coup on January 6th. While neoliberals... Read Full Article

Apr 24, 23

Hamilton: Reflections on Ongoing Hunger Strike in the Barton Jail

Report on an ongoing hunger strike in Hamilton, Ontario and how people are organizing to support. Originally posted to North Shore Counter-Info.... Read Full Article

Apr 21, 23

These Queers Bash Back: Pittsburgh Anarchists Organize in Response to Transphobic Hate

Report on recent demonstrations in Pittsburgh against anti-trans grifter Michael Knowles. The rise of fascism and transphobia is an existential threat to... Read Full Article

Jun 10, 22

Night Owls: Seasonal Chronicle of Sabotage and Direct Action

Night Owls is a seasonal chronicle documenting actions against power, claimed and unclaimed, from across the territory occupied by the United States.... Read Full Article