Dec 11, 19

Stop the Sweeps Austin Pushes Back Against Displacement & Camping Ban

Report from Stop the Sweeps Austin about ongoing activity to resist attacks on the homeless and tent encampments. Since November, Stop the... Read Full Article

Dec 3, 21

“Autonomy is Everything”: Interview with Indigenous Political Prisoner José Antonio Arreola of Nahuatzen

La versión original de esta entrevista en español puede encontrarse aquí. The following is an interview with Indigenous political prisoner José Antonio... Read Full Article

Dec 3, 21

So, You’re an Abolitionist in Minneapolis, and You Just Lost at the Polls. Now What?: An Invitation to Revolt

In the wake of failed electoral strategies, anarchists and abolitionists look back at what made the George Floyd uprising powerful and argue... Read Full Article

Dec 9, 19

This Week in Fascism #39: Pro-Trump Radio Host Outed As Neo-Nazi in Denver

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got a Confederate statue staying down, a conservative podcaster being outed as a Nazi, the Colorado... Read Full Article