Nov 11, 19

This Week in Fascism #35: Groypers Come Home to Roost

Welcome fellow antifascists! This week, we look at the massive “Iron March” data dump, bring you news of the “Groypers,” or followers... Read Full Article

Nov 15, 21

This Is America #152: Sleydo’ on Indigenous Resistance to Coastal Gaslink; Groypers Fail in NYC; #BlackburnTakeover Ends

photo: @M_Tol Welcome, to This Is America, November 15th, 2021. On this episode, we feature an interview with Sleydo’, spokesperson for the... Read Full Article

Nov 15, 21

The Real Covid Conspiracies

Our latest anonymous contribution is a blazing hot anarchist analysis of the mainstream worldwide “anti-vax” movement and the conspiracies that animate it... Read Full Article

Nov 5, 19

A Discussion on the Growth of Black & Anti-Colonial Anarchist Formations

In this episode we were lucky enough to speak with two people on the growth of Black, New Afrikan, and anti-colonial anarchist... Read Full Article