Nov 4, 19

This Week in Fascism #34: Let Them Fight

Welcome, fellow antifascists! This week, we’ve got a Unite the Right 2 organizer in federal custody; the Chairman of the Proud Boys... Read Full Article

Nov 1, 21

In Contempt #10: Anarchist & Antifascist Prisoner News, Political Prisoners Released, George Floyd Repression Updates

photo: @AshAgony Welcome to the tenth installment of In Contempt, your monthly one-stop shop for state repression news, political prisoners birthdays and... Read Full Article

Oct 30, 21

Announcing A New Hub for Supporting Prisoners of the George Floyd Uprising

Announcing a new website that compiles info and resources about supporting defendants and prisoners from the George Floyd uprising of 2020. Check... Read Full Article

Oct 30, 19

Pigs on a Train: The Growing Transit Crisis & How to Fight It

A critique of mass transit in capitalist society and an analysis of the possibilities for anti-capitalist intervention and struggle. Everywhere public transportation... Read Full Article